Tuesday, May 5, 2015

sittin in columbus

5/5/15  I got mail! My deliveries all came and just in time, we only had a couple of days of dog food left. More bike rides... Went to the library and saw some other attractions in the area.  Saw a kayak and canoe rental place today, may go down some morning and go out on Colorado River. I found a really nice grocery store. I even though of taking pictures it is so nice. Many choices, good quality orderly and clean. I really liked how they had the produce section. I picked up some snax garlic. It is dried or freeze dried. It is good, not a strong taste, crunchy.      -I rode the bike over the river this evening, that was really nice. I definitely am drawn to the water. The seven hens is down to 5. I saw one laying half eaten, I guess a big bird. They say there are coyotes around too.

-Ella had her pups on Saturday 5/2/15 I knew she was getting close, She stared showing signs of labor around 11am and by one had a boy, then by five o'clock she had 5, and I thought she was done. Around six I seen her pushing, really pushing and I though the placentas, but not sure, and right around the time I really started to get worried, about seven o'clock she had another spot girl and then another boy. All pups are doing good, growing and very content. Ella does so good with her babies.

Every one wants her puppies too, I mean the dogs are going crazy. Beanie is just fascinated with them, watching them all the time. Mister was like, I'm a dad,? right,?  tell me how many, when can I smell them? And Rose, she thinks all babies are hers. So doing more laundry and playing and watching babies now.

My time is filled with some down time and some boring time, but Beanie (Amber) (she is 5 mths now) makes sure I am not to bored. She stalks the brown bag and then conquers it. With her proud self. The dogs were eating supper and after everyone is done, Mister is allowed to clean the bowls, and Beanie trying to stand her ground,(which she can do pretty easy) pushes Mister out of her bowl, and Mister tried to resist her and well Beanie just grabbed the bowl and took off with it.

-The garden is growing very well, I have been eating and sharing off of it. I took all the lettuce out today. The kale is looking and tasting good.

I found a real nice hardware store, where they have lumber, so I put 1x4's around the inside of kennel. I drilled holes in the boards and just used plastic zip ties to hold them in place. I took the tray out and put the heated whelping pad in. They are in the front right now but will soon grow out of the kennel. Seven, I cant believe it. I was thinking four, I forgot she has big litters.  All pups about the same size, one girl is a little lighter. Three are black like Boston’s and they are boys. One white one that has the most black is a boy and three white spotted/splash girls. The spots are different, some look like hearts and some have faces on them.

I went back to the hardware store and bought some more boards and had them cut and made a counter top where the stove was taken out. It is really nice. It is removable. I am very pleased, with the space it has created.

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