Wednesday, March 18, 2015

26lbs on my shoulder

Today is March 17th and I must tell you, for the last couple of days I have been running about two hours early. Some where with springing forward and crossing time zones, and thinking that my clocks were wrong, I continued to dwell two hours earlier the everyone else. This did not have a big impact, but some mornings I was thinking wow how late it was getting up. Or thinking that others were just running late for some reason.
I will try to back track- I did get to see the alligator in the water then she swam then walked up on the shore were it lays to sun. I took the dogs for a walk the other day and ended up carrying Mister home. He went from one shoulder to the other.  I would stop for him but he just couldn’t breath, so what a sight, 26 lbs on my shoulder and three walking on one leash. I have been walking all four on one leash and it seems to work out pretty good. Some tangling is predicted but still there is order.
I decided to stay longer, but I will have to change lots. Someone looked at the rv, and the exhaust leek looks easy to fix, and may be going to get a part today to fix it. I had help learning how to turn on and work the tv. Also dumped my water and used a filter this time to fill it. Went into town yesterday to wash laundry. Also I run into another camper and we went sight seeing and then went to a casino. Wow this was so exciting. I played- won a little lost a little, even had a drink, that was complimentary but gave her a tip. Yesterday was so much fun, then in the evening went to an Italian restaurant. Everything tasted so good. Good music and had a very remember able time.  Earlier in the day I seen a 100percent vegan restaurant too.
The other day I went for a walk by myself too and I seen many anoles green and brown. I saw a turtle on a log. O bought some pickles from the neighbors. They look good but have not tried yet. I found some garden pickles made by Vlasic, they have carrots and peppers in too. I really enjoy them. I have been kinda craving them dill pickles - no, no-way of a pregnancy, so don’t even go there. But I was wonder if it has something to do with when I was little. My mother said I would even drink the juice and that was before I was 16mths of age. So thinking that they may be some kinda comfort food. It has not been long on our way, but it seem like forever already.  Still need to put solar and possible wind power on top, so I can dry dock more and save some money.  -Rosy and Mister locked again, but many days in between so I will have to watch and wait and see.
Wow just seen a big eagle looking bird flying over. It was looking at us. I will have to see what it is. I have been having fun checking out new animals and plants. It most diffidently is spring here. I even seen home grown Mississippi tomatoes. I need to work on my my greenhouse too. Thinking I would like a bike and wagon/ dog carrier too. I really miss Panama city too.
I have the awning out too, so learned that job too. It is pretty several shades of blue, in real nice condition. I learned how to work the antenna too. I will take pictures too, but phone is too full right now. I have a really nice site too. I am under a gigantic tree too.  Sitting outside with all the dogs on the picnic table with me and we have a mocking bird that has been hanging out with us too. Dogs still have been great, on and off leash, they don’t seem to mind this life. They have so many new things to smell, look at  and play with.

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