Thursday, March 26, 2015

started garden

Ok  moved out this morning and the tape on the exhaust worked. It started right up and was quiet. I went into town and bought a few things, groceries and the dirt for my greenhouse garden and bought some lettuce, spinach and kale. Now excited about setting it all up. Today is March 18th. It is so warm, been running the air conditioner for days. I also went to a thrift store to donate a few more things. Still want to downsize some more.  I used the computer in a parking lot and went to the post office. Came back in and dumped the septic again. This one was closer and I did it all myself.
I am a little uneven here but will try to work with it. Seen some people use boards to drive the tires up on. Will have to get some boards. I have the awning out, but may not need it to much. I have a big tree over me here too. I am closer to the shower and the dumpster.  It could rain, I think it was calling for it today.  I will be staying here till Monday noonish then hit the road. Hoping to get a few more things done to the rv and try more bondocking or dry docking.  I have not found very many if any walmarts that have wifi. Wifi has been very scarce. I bought an antenna for it and need to hook it up and hopefully it will work.
Will have fun tomorrow working on my garden. 

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