Thursday, March 12, 2015


Monday morning we left Torreya state park. I stopped to learn how to dump the holding tanks. This went pretty well and was not too hard. I did have a little help. The man said this is a two person job, so we will see how it works out other times, maybe by myself. Then we went down to the garage and he looked at the rv and ordered some parts, in which the parts would not be there till 230pm, so the dogs and myself walked up to a drive thru subway. How funny seeing this. Before we even got there people would pull up beside us to admire the dogs and said how they loved Boston, how pretty the were, and so on. One even pulled right in front of us to stop us and wanted to see them. The sheriff even stopped to see them and took a business card. I never meant to draw so much attention to us, but people just love them.  Troy @ TNT gave the rv a complete tune up and welded the catalytic converter back on. Then we crossed the road for free WiFi and I caught up with bills and other things, like this blog and to look at the map and see which way next.
We headed out and stopped at a truck plaza for gas and I decided to stay, and then a man saw us and asked if I could move over by his trailer he was going to leave over night, it had a house on it. He figured if I was right there that no one would mess with it.  We had a big field behind us and the dogs were playing and having fun.  Something I had seen but didn’t  know what it was until we were at this place. They had many of these large mounds of gray sand, large like basketballs. My little pup run through one and as she did it revealed what it was- ant hills. She brushed her nose and I made sure she didn’t have any on her, but my o this could be a bad thing. I never seen ant hills like this.
We headed out in the morning and shortly later were in Panama, beach front area. I parked and used an app to find a dog beach and their was one just a block or two down from where we were. So We parked and packed up and went to the beach. This was the first for the pups. They loved it, not the water so much but playing ball, meeting other dogs and many people. Amber really liked the big dogs.  It just happened to be spring break and as the people walked past, they had to stop and play with the pups. Again they loved the dogs, asked about them and shared tales. Many very nice people, they would thank me and one girl said the dogs made her week, she held Amber the baby for a while. The leashes and sand don’t mix to well. They were on leashes most of the time, but they would listen very well off leash too.  They even waited to potty till I walked them up to the dune.
We hung out in the parked rv too after the beach. It was so nice out sunny but windy enough to keep it cool. Maybe to nice, because later I found that I was burned and looks like the pups got some sun on their noses. I like the energy of the excitement. Everyone out wanting to have fun, music and so many people.  We back tracked about 10 miles to another state park. This par was all but full too. Glad we got a spot.  I can look out my window and see water. Doing some more laundry and took a shower, made some popcorn.   So water on one side and the bath/laundry on the other side. I can even hear if the dryer is still running.  Not sure what we will do tomorrow. We are close to the beach but yet I might have had to much sun for another day of it, we will see.   The guard gave me a state park book for Florida, but I feel like moving on, even though I was going to see about putting solar panels on top, in this area. It sure would help us to do some more bondocking. I need to learn how to run the generator too.
The dogs have been so good, they are not big barkers and stop when told to. Them seem to be understanding that we are around more people and dogs and that they are not going to get them, I’m sure they would not like someone coming in here un- invited though. They are eating good and potty on command. I strapped a thrash can on the back so potty bags go in there and not inside. I am so glad I did this.

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