Monday, March 9, 2015


Ok, heading down the road again. Went into Monticello area and found a small camp ground around Lamont.  I learned how to fill and hook water up to rv, turn on water pump and light and start the hot water heater.  I didn’t care for this spot for mainly one reason, it was close to the highway--very noisy. Nice spot for the dogs though, only a hand full of people there.
I cooked some soybean and lentil/veggie soup. Yummy, this was very refreshing and I enjoyed the warmth of the comfort it brought to me. I know that I need to face and feel my fears to have true comfort but the hot soup was a nice substitute.
This camp ground was a self register, and when I called to get a price for a week, they informed me that they were not comfortable with having so many dogs there. They said I could just leave and not pay or stay the night and pay for one night. So again my law of attraction is so trying to get me to feel my emotions and again I would rather be upset with them for not being open to understand that someone could have four dogs and maintain order and cleanliness with them.  Well anyway I did some laundry and took a really nice shower, got a fair amount of sleep and packed up and left in the morning.      (That camp ground was an KOA camp ground.)
On the road again, still thinking the rv is not running up to par I tried to take it easy but the speed sign said max 70 and min of 55.  I was around the 55 speed.  We stopped to get gas and I thought I should look for a garage, but hear again it was Saturday 3/7/15 and not many open.  So headed on my way.  We were coming into the Bristol area and I noticed that the rv was sounding loud, o my so now I really need a garage, so I was on the look out again. Just right down the road was TNT, his sign said he did big and small engine repair, welding and metal fabricating, maybe a few more things, so I stopped and the man seen me walking up and come over to me. He was checking the rv out, but again said he was getting ready to leave for the day.
So I found a state park that I could wait till Monday to get it fixed.
On the way to the state park they were clearing large areas of land and had many piles of brush on fire. This was both sad and scary. I didn’t stop to get a picture-sorry for that, maybe on the way back down I can get one.
Made it to the camp ground and looked like only one open spot. I backed in and started setting up. Some other people from Canada pulled up and was hoping to get the spot too. Their was room that they could have pulled in and plugged in right across from me, but they went to the office to see.
So I too walked up to register. As I was waiting for them -thankfully for them there was one other spot they could have. I over heard them talking about going down to the grocery and asked them if they could pick up and few things for me. She was like yes and wrote down my two items I could use.  Later they came back and she wouldn’t take a penny more from me for the items. They were very nice people. If I left in my loud rv, I would have lost my spot. It was one of two spots that could not be reserved.
We took a couple of walks, talked to others that wanted my info for puppy’s, checked out the over look. The drive here seem all flat, but we are above the trees. It is spring here, flowers and trees are blooming grass is getting green, birds are chirping. I have seen some different kinds of plants too.
I made some navy bean soup, cut two of the dogs toe nails and o Rosy and Mister hooked up the other day (3/5), so maybe two litters back to back again.  Frenchton’s and ¾ French. Hopefully but we will see.
It is going to be cold again tonight, I hear 38 - I had to use the furnace last night too. 

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