Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Alligator in the wild

Still heading west, been having so many issues went the rv that I just want to keep moving. We were almost out of Florida and the brake caliper locked up. O my here we go again. Thankfully I was close to a McDonalds that had a place I could park. It was 530 6pm so I was not going to get it fixed this day.  At one point I walked into the restaurant and happen to see a Mexican, and something said ask him if he knows of any mechanics. So I asked him and he did. He turned out to be a minister too. Thankfully his friends came the next morning, we moved the rv down one block from where we were at so as to be able to work on it.  We ran around to a couple of parts store, then Napa had what we needed. They changed both sides, calipers and brakes. Soon I will have this rv rebuilt     I think.  Headed on to find that we were only 15 minutes from Alabama. We just traveled through and on to Mississippi. I was getting tired and was looking for even a truck stop for the night. The KFC had a good stop to park and they let me park, not only for one night but two.  It was strange staying at a place that severed dead chickens to people seeing that I do not eat dead or alive animals.  I stayed the extra night because the next day all it did was rain, so staying in and being lazy felt right. I found a park (Davis Bayou -Campground) just right down the road and paid for two nights. Electric and water, showers but no laundry. All the biting nat’s you want or don’t and seen my first Alligator in the wild. Checked out their museum and watched a video. I thought it was something how if the barriers and bayous didn’t get hit by hurricanes that they would not replenish and renew itself. Kinda like if we don’t stir up our fallow land( our harden hearts) then we cant make changes. Let us stir up our hearts and feel our emotions and work through them so they can be released from us. This is healing and the right thing to do.  Setting here in Mississippi at the picnic table with the dogs resting.  I am peeling form the sun the other day and it has me itchy. A shower in a little while will be so nice. I can hear some boats and birds, the wind is blowing and it is almost chilly just sitting here. The phone says Ocean Springs is 68 degrees.
The rv is loud again, like some kinda exhaust leek and started acting like it didn’t want to start, so I hope when I go to leave that it will not cause any problems. Thinking I would like a newer and smaller rv.  Today is March 14.

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