Thursday, March 5, 2015

in the begining

My desire for this trip is just that, my desire to travel and see the world. I also want to work through emotions and become healthy and fit not only in body but in mind but mostly in heart.  I'm hoping to be as open as I can be in my blog knowing that in the spirit form we can see and know every ones deepest thoughts and motives. 

I knew when we started that I would have some law of attraction issues, seeing how there is so many issues related to re-homing a few dogs and packing up 4 dogs, selling your house, car and truck and most of all my belongings. Leaving in an older rv and with many risks of events and spending more money then expected.  As we went to leave on 2/28/15, and stopped to see a friend before leaving. I left the rv running, with dogs and plants inside on a very 12 degree night and as I was walking past the front I could see some smoke coming from the front and then the smell of burning rubber, ah I knew this was bad and things were not going to go well.  I popped the hood and could see a red hot pulley. It turned out that this was the compressor pulley and it was going to need replaced.  So as cold as it was no one wanted to tow my rv.  The insurance company had a driver come all the way from Breezewood, probably over an hour with a really big truck, one that was bigger than needed. Hearing them talk while loading it up, the insurance company spent so much time trying to find some one, that they didn't care how much it cost, so they paid the tow truck over $800. So this was hours of waiting. Then the dogs, plants and a few things headed back to the house that was sold, but new owner all but begged me to stay the whole month of March, he didn't mind if I stayed there. Sunday March first was spend in bed most of day, after all of the carrying of my belongings into and setting up the rv in cold weather, and several trip to auctions and the goodwill plus then all of the stress of the towing, plus it snowed most of Sunday. Then next day upon calling the repair shop, to find out that they didn't do chaise work... called a garage about 2 miles from where the rv sat, she first said, he don't normally do rv's, but then she talked to him and he, went up and took the rv to his shop. He fixed it, but took an extra day for the right parts. Well it took a couple of days to finally get it fixed and ready. So on Tuesday the 3rd of March we headed out again. It sure is a fearful thing driving a big  vehicle down the road. We missed the snow that was heading our way, and driving that night was not to bad.  Some rain, a couple stops for gas and doggy potty brakes and we stopped and stayed in Tenn. for the night. Nice sleep, got up and did our normal routine and then headed out again. Nice mountain views. we stopped on one mountain and went for a walk. No jacket, sunny and warm, what a nice exchange from freezing cold and snow on the ground. In Georgia closer to Atlanta the rv was losing power and seems a little louder. Somethings wrong again. Stopped to find help and someone gave me a number to a muffler shop, call Nathan Lord he will help is what I was told. Well with having a Nathan and seeing how he is so good with people and mechanics, I was going to call Nathan over this other place, that would knock a hole in the catalytic converter. I was glad I did. We arrived at his shop at 15 till 5pm, so we were going to have to stay the night. He had a nice place far from the main roads and had a nice piece of land for the dogs to run in.  Mister and Ella locked for the first time. They were on a hill so I'm guessing that helped. Frenchton puppies expected in two month. It was a nice evening got a few things done and slept well.  (Temps back home were 45 and I was sitting in 73 degrees, this was nice, watching blue birds gather and talking to each other. )  The muffler shop opened at 8am so we got up and ready before then and when he pulled the rv in, we were allowed to stay in. They lifted the rv up and we were really high up, they put us down to wait on parts. Yes the catalytic converter and a few small things that pertain to the exhaust system are to be fixed or replaced. We will be here several hours so dogs are taking a morning nap and I am starting my blog page, 5 pack excursions, We are a pack, or they are my pack, either way I am the head of the pack. excursions, because it seems like small trips inside a big journey. or bits of info in any given time.

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