Thursday, March 26, 2015

Mellow Mushroom

Yes, we headed out, found a laundry matte and did clothes, used their wifi. Garden is riding well. It has been only a couple of days and it is growing well.  Some seeds sprouted already, I even picked some greens from it yesterday. Today is 3/26/15, sitting in a rv park in walking distance of the beach. It is ok here but I have spring break people partying all around. We went to the beach yesterday and I did it again, got burned, och.  Ella, Mister and Beanie(Amber) went surfing on the buggie board. Sorry no pictures-they were so cute out there. Ella did the best. Mister didn't want to balance it and Beanie rode awhile then fell off and said she was done.  They played ball and even fetched it from the water. Ever one love the dogs, some people would even come and sit with me just to see and talk about the dogs. I bought a fold up wagon and a sun shelter, so I took the smaller fence and put it under the sun shelter so I could work one on one with the dogs and even left them all to go swimming. O my it was so nice and refreshing to go swimming. It was shallow for a good ways out, clean and clear water. not a lot of debrie of any kind.
I showered and walked up the road to Mellow Mushroom fro supper, everyone bragged about it. So I walked up, the sights and sounds on the way was something. They have two rides, one is a bounggie ride and the other is a big propeller that people sit on both ends and it goes around. As I was walking past, the man asked if I wanted to try, No way, you couldn't pay me to ride it. I guess a lot of fear there. I though about doing it just to overcome that fear, but we'll see.
Anyway supper was great. I got a couple of things to try and brought some home. I had a mushroom pizza that tasted out of this world.   I would recommend this restaurant to all, many choices to pick from and very good service. they all made sure you were taken care of.  I talked to several people on the way back. Stopped at the little store and came home.  Was thinking of taking it easy today because of the sun burn, (thankful that I downsized my aloe plant a couple of days ago and processed a good bit and have it in the frig- it was so cold to put on this morning, but thinking a bathtub full would feel nice.) and well a nice day to rest, before noon a storm blew in and it is raining pretty good out there. So dogs sleeping and I am caughting up with internet things.

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