Thursday, March 26, 2015

tiding up

I had to go buy a cutting blade and a board. I had Lowes cut the board and used it to even the rv up. Works great. Did the greenhouse garden and it is on the back and ready to ride down the road. Thinking that we will head back to panama city beach, to the beach for awhile before heading on.  I’m hopping to pull out of here on Monday and stop to do laundry then head back to Panama city, Florida.
I want to put solar on yet and maybe a hot spot box for wifi.
I had dog washing day. Washed all four dogs. They have been so great. They listen so well.  One thing I should have done when at the laundry matte was to get it’s address, some things you have to do the old fashion way. The neighbor lady asked about the laundry and I wish I could have just gave here an address.  The neighbor made some good soup and corn bread and invited my over, what a delight, it was so good. Had some jalapenos in the corn bread. Yummy!  My dogs like oranges. They had two walks today and long one and short one. Mister just cant take the heat.  This is Sat evening..

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