Monday, April 27, 2015

5 on a bike ride or run

4/12/15   A little after getting up this morning I though I could try riding the bike with all four dogs. I have rode with Ella before but never any of the others. Of course I would have to watch my speed. I hitched everyone up and went. They did real good. They listened to voice commands and didn’t try to stop for everything. I was amazed at how good they did, Mister would run sometimes, wanting to pull  but stayed back.   Closer to the end of the ride, a squirrel ran across the road, then Rosy didn’t mind running, they gave me a jerk but we kept right on going. It was fun and they all got a really good run. A man stopped by while driving out and was talking to me and yeah first thing this morning I had some children wanting to come in my fence to pet the dogs, and they did.  Then finally I put the dogs away and went on a bike ride. I did several trails and went around the 40 acre lake. I saw many alligators, one time I was looking the other way and came with in 2 feet of a big ones tail. Scary, one started to walk up the bank too. I would not take my dogs on this trail. One man did and I was watching because he had to walk past two big alligators that were on the path. The man had the dog between him and the alligators and that dog look towards the mans legs the whole time and just walked right through. I saw many different birds and insects. Squirrels and turtles a big bull frog. Two of the turtles were red sliders and about as big as basket balls. I almost ran over a snake on a path. It was only a garter snake.  The dragon flies flew with me down the road. I enjoyed the dragon flies.  I heard that someone’s fancy dogs were running lose and couldn’t find them. This is no place for dogs to be running around.
-Something gave some of the dogs diarrhea. I gave wormer to all and brushed them with some oil to reply bugs. Not sure if water, or dead grass, bugs or what gave them diarrhea but it should be better soon. The dogs normally don’t have flea problems, but days back I came across some. They were around another dog that had fleas. They seem to be gone now that I started using more neem oil and they get extra brewers yeast on their food.
I will run a cycle of wormer and bath then again soon. Ella is getting big and starting to have extra pressure on her bladder, so making sure she has extra trips out is necessary. - I think I may stay here longer and look for an rv shop to have a few things done to the rv, before heading on. I really like this area. You have a lake here and a swamp there, then a prairie on the other side, all with in feet of each other. It attracts a lot of animals.

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