Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Louisiana, earthquake in garden.

Hello, again. I am in Louisiana at a Love’s service stop. Gas, ice, shower, wifi -not free, but has it, even a dump. I have the best spot, some breeze blowing in and don’t seem too noisy.  We stopped here kinda late, dogs played, ate supper and went for a small walk. They are so good off leash.
We drove along the coast as much as possible. Went down into New Orleans, way to big for me, so we kept on moving. We were driving on water a lot of the way. Seen some river swamps, if I may call them that.
The peep fight that was pictured previously lasted for around 15 minutes. Both Mister and Ella had it and would not let go. Ella would even close her eyes, but still wouldn’t let go. Mister dropped it, but they were passed around. Squeakers didn’t last long, and they will be gone soon too.
I did some poetry the other day and even did some paintings. Paintings are not all that great, abstract mostly, but some can be interesting. My poems are not my own, for I’m not always sure were they come from. I do enjoy them though.
Stopped and had a small hose fixed on the catalytic converter . This morning. Quieter again. -- Garden is growing mad. It had an earthquake today. I drilled holes in the top lid thru to the bottom lid and put plastic ties thru and tightened them, then put the racket straps through the green house. One in front and one in back. Still one going over top and I have side panels for when we are moving, so as not to have a tornado, but today since the straps are pushing down so tight, that the sides bubbled out and with all the vibrations the dirt shifted and had a mini earthquake. I will take more pictures soon too. It should be ok, I will work with it tomorrow and pack the dirt. I have had several meals and snacks out of it. Yummy!

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