Monday, April 27, 2015

garage and Bastrop, on lake

4/13/15  We had storms very early this morning, but then it cleared and was hot. I went out to walmart to get a few groceries, quarters and was hoping my phone would sync with the Internet. The phone never did. I had a little service at the headquarters here but very limited. I did look up some rv repair places, so I will call tomorrow. I did some laundry tonight. O happy time, on my way to the laundry I got a up close and personal with an armadillo. It was so cute, it let me watch it while being pretty close.
On my way out today I stopped and paid for two more nights. It is cheap to stay here and o so beautiful. Hopping to do another lake and trail tomorrow. I washed the windows and o what a difference, I can see.
4/18/15 -I will try to back track.  I did do another lake and this time the alligators weren’t as mellow. Some opened their mouths and growled at me. The one left his mouth open as I rode past. Very nice lake, I stopped a couple of time to look or watch.  (the day before I went up a observation tower, and later learned that it was rate high or number one for national geographic - observation towers.)
The one alligator was about 12 or more feet. Big he did open his mouth and growled. He was sitting half way across the path. He then stood up and walked slowly and heavily into the water.
The park around the lake was pretty too. I noticed these big areas that were all dug up and was thinking maybe a big foot, but it turns out that it was probably pigs. I hear they cause a lot of damage around here.
The dogs and I rode around the last lake that I didn’t get to and we finished at the site by two, then went and parked at bathroom. I stopped to get a shower before leaving this gorgeous land.  O and the dogs ran another bike ride with me.  They did great.
We headed down the road to the garage, chugging along, stalled once was getting hot, but finally found the garage. Dillard’s mechanical specialists.
O my, I pulled in on Wednesday evening and left on Friday about 1ish. The people were so nice. The first evening They gave me an electric cord to plug in and took me with them up to get some food.  They worked and worked on  the rv the next day and still couldn’t find the problem. They found that the man that did my tune up, put three different kinds of spark plugs in it and some were Chevy plugs. He didn’t change all of them and one wire was not replaced. Transmission fluid was down about half a quart.  So we had to stay the night, he was going to clean the carbon out of the engine the next day.
We were sitting beside the building and had a big growed up lot next to me. It was so pretty, their was a house there once. 
I went to bed thinking that I might have to find a new home. Then the next day he was cleaning the carbon out of the engine and found that the gas had a lot of water in it. He used a product in the gas to get rid of the water and that is what the problem was.  I got bad gas, a whole tank on Galveston Island, and the men said that they have bought gas from the island and had this happen too. So now I know. But any way, they were great people , bringing me water and snacks, a chair and talking. Letting me take the dogs in the office.  They owners lived in an rv behind the garage and has a couple of dogs. The children are the workers in the office and the garage. They put all new spark plugs and fixed the wire and fixed a bad gasket on the catylac converter. To go from thinking it was done to driving it down the road was crazy.  It is running better than it ever did. I cant believe that getting bad gas could make a vehicle act that way.
So we pulled in to Bastrop State Park on Friday and I decided to stay the week end and leave on Monday at 2. I will be looking for a place to settle down a couple of months to have puppies.  Anyway Friday, I just got set up and it started to storm, then later I rode down for a shower.  I seen the lake an the overlook here and rode the bike down satuday morning to rent a canoe for the day, well I had to have to paddle and life jacket back by 330.  I rode down a big hill 35 mile for sure I did coming down. Knew for sure that I would have to walk back up that one.  O was it scary taking the canoe out on the water, I though I was going to flip.  But I went out a little ways and rocked the boat to get a feel of it, and then I was fine. I went the whole way around. Stopped many times. Ate my lunch on the water. I enjoyed this very much. I was the only one out on the lake. Some were fishing though.
I then rode back of course I had to walk the hill, it was steep too. Back at headquarters and bought a Popsicle. Ate it on my way back to camp.  The woods around here are called the lost pines, because there was a fire and left the burned trees standing. The new growth is low the to the ground still. The lake looks aerated too. It don’t look balanced yet, but people are here, they have groups too.  We have a full hook up and large lot. The dogs have a large fenced in area. My front end looks out over the forest and I watched the lightning the other evening. The trees stand naked bare and exposed. The dead standing tall. Watch your head for you never do know when one might just fall.  Sad and baron one might think, but change bringing new life can be beautiful. Lot of birds, rabbits turtles, frogs, fish and o I seen a lizard.  Saw some different looking ducks of some sort. I will post pictures.

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