Monday, April 13, 2015

still on island

So today 4/9/15, I got up and rode down to the office to pay for my night and see if they had openings. I am staying two more nights. I bought some ice and a sticker for my bathroom door. Galveston Island State Park! Bought a t-shirt too. I rode the bike back to the rv and gave the dogs their breakfast and then we went for a walk on the beach. The dogs walked in the water some, but Beanie and Rosy don’t like it at all. I let Ella off leash for a little and she was so happy going in the water, she is not afraid and likes the water. It was not real deep either. The debris was mostly plant matter and the beaches sand was packed hard. - (the dogs didn’t eat on the beach-thankfully)   o before we went for our walk, I asked the man next to me (he was packing up to leave) if he was an electrician.? To a nice surprise, he said yes. I asked if he could wire my new plug for me, I offered to pay him too. He did it and wouldn’t take anything for doing it. He and his wife have been fulltime rv-ing for about a year now. Heading back to New York they said, it may take them months to get there. It is so nice to be on your own time schedule. * now the plug is working fine.  Frig is working and have air conditioner on.
- Later I put the fence up and hung a sun screen cover for the dogs. I then went bogie boarding in the ocean. I walked over by my self, I did put sun screen on and was in the water mostly. I had fun playing in the ocean. Red flags today so I had to be careful. I also had the beach all to myself. What fun the ocean was all mine!    Some plant matter would slither through and under your feet. Scary sometimes, but I have big fears of the things under the water, that I can’t see. The water is darker and hard to see in. Was in and out a couple of times, stayed about a hour and a half, then headed back. I did get a little sun, but not like I have been.  - Later in the evening I went for a bike ride on a beach path and then on the shore. The sand was so hard that riding your bike on the beach was smooth and easy. I went further than I had planned, but made it back.  Seen some jelly fish on the shore. Watched some pelicans eat on the water.   I did feed a big black bird back at the rv. What fun.    - I rode the bike up the road to the shower house, for a shower. Very impressed with the shower. Nice clean stalls and good pressure. Air conditioned building, clean and seems new construction. I rode home in the dark.   A little warmer tonight. Still some breeze, but not like last night. I was rocked to sleep by the wind.  - Ella could be due in about three weeks, so I will have to change some things around and not have my day bed around to use for awhile. I will convert it into and large whelping area and puppy raising area. I am hoping to be setting still, set up somewhere. Maybe rent a month at a time, just need to find a good lot somewhere.  - When I leave on Saturday I am going to stop and see Mister’s  male pup (spot/stitch), Amber’s brother. He is only 45 minutes away. Fun, I will have to get pictures.
4/10 was raining and passing storms, I still did some walking on the beach, but didn’t do much.  Did do some inside rearranging, getting ready to down size again.

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